Worried about debt and retirement? You’re not alone

By | November 23rd, 2016|Loop Financial|

65% of Aussies are worried they won't have enough savings to fund their retirement, while almost nine out of 10 mortgage holders are pushing to clear their debt sooner, new studies have shown. Mortgage Choice’s Diversified survey looked at Australians' attitudes towards retirement and found that over half (54%) wouldn't start seriously thinking about retirement [...]

The Government just made $6.3 billion of budget cuts. How does it affect you?

By | September 19th, 2016|Loop Financial|

There was drama in the upper house last Thursday night as angry Greens and crossbench senators fought against new cost-saving measures that the Coalition government was trying to pass. The 'Omnibus' bill includes 20 budget cuts including areas such as climate change and family benefits. The Greens accused the government of trying to disguise important [...]

Develop these 5 financial habits in your 20s and you’ll be set for life

By | June 3rd, 2016|lifestyle|

Your twenties can be a pretty exciting decade. You've got the freedom of living away from home, your first proper job, a car, and perhaps other milestones like marriage and kids on the horizon. With more disposable income than you might have had previously, it's tempting to get carried away with your spending – especially [...]

Don’t panic! No debt crisis despite cooling house prices

By | May 30th, 2016|Market Information|

Homeowners who have been worried by all the recent talk of a household debt crisis can breathe a sigh of relief. HSBC has published a paper which predicts that although the rise in Australian house prices will continue to slow into next year, a household debt crisis is unlikely. However, there is still a chance [...]

The great Australian household debt problem

By | May 11th, 2016|Banks & Finance, Loop Financial|

Is there a colossal problem sneaking up on Australia? There's been a new leak of official information, which suggests Australia has been ignoring a problem that could have serious consequences for the country. According to the leaked report, Australian household debt was so high before the global financial crisis (GFC), there was likely to be [...]