Why it pays to know your credit score before you apply for finance

By | May 9th, 2017|Banks & Finance, Loop Financial|

Are you planning to apply for finance soon? Whether it’s for a new car, a new home, or renovations on your existing place, there’s one simple thing that may hamper your chances of getting the loan you need. We’re talking about your credit score. Think about it: before you put all that effort into your [...]

7 ways you can manage your money better

By | May 7th, 2017|Loop Financial|

Apparently, more than 30% of Gen Y are planning to retire between the ages of 31 and 40. Say Whaaat??? It’s an awesome goal to have, but you ain’t gonna achieve it without some serious money management (or a very rich relative). If you’re Gen Y and hoping to retire early, you need to get [...]

Young investors proving that property isn’t everything

By | May 4th, 2017|lifestyle, Market Information|

While many young investors may be struggling to crack the property market, they are finding plenty of other innovative ways to invest their money and make good returns. Gen X and Gen Y are losing interest in property investments and big-name shares, and are instead investing more and more in high-growth sectors offshore including video [...]

Can’t afford a home? Here are some other ways to invest

By | November 29th, 2016|Loop Financial|

The life plan for young Aussies has always been something like this: get a job, save money, buy a house, start a family. It may have worked well for past generations, but for many millennials it just isn't that simple anymore. It's the 'buy a house' bit, in particular, which is causing problems. With many [...]